Sunday, October 17, 2010


I recieved this forward from a member of the church in the Anthem Stake


I learned earlier this year Harry Reid attempted to hold “Firesides” in Southern Nevada at LDS church locations to do as Harry always does in the political season - - that is, attempt to get the LDS, or Mormon, vote by leveraging his religion to get votes. This is not a new concept to those of us LDS Church members who have lived in this great State of Nevada for very long, in my case 25 years.

His firesides were going to be themed “Why I Believe”. Since for whatever reasons (you probably can figure it out) Harry Reid was not allowed to hold these LDS Church Firesides, I decided to send out my own “Why I Believe We Must Dump Harry Reid” emails. I plan to send out a few of these before we get to vote to Dump Harry Reid on November 2.

REASON NO. 1 – Harry Reid puts politics over principles related to our military efforts and supported our enemies causes.

As evidenced in the above video clip, the Bush administration had decided on a strategy referred to as “the Surge” to take the upper hand in winning the war in Iraq. If this is taken to a vote of our government leaders and some vote “yes” and some vote “no”, that is perfectly OK to do this and vote according to your own reasoning, either way. But for heaven’s sake, don’t go out and say things that are discouraging to our troops, emboldening the enemy, which causes an even stronger enemy effort and costs more lives, and styling for political gain. Many consider to be treason. You decide.

Ask yourself how much Captain Moroni, a military leader from Book of Mormon notoriety, would have appreciated someone back home in government criticizing the war effort and resolve, a modern-day Pahoran of sorts, emboldening the enemy for political gain even while they carried around the Title of Liberty, a flag or banner made of the captain’s own coat which reminded the troops of what they were fighting for, our freedoms, religion, God, wives, children, etc. Sound familiar?

If you had a son, daughter, friend or relative fighting for our freedoms, how would you like to see your own government leader on Al Jazeera TV in the Middle East proclaiming “THIS WAR IS LOST”? The video was indeed used by our enemy to their benefit. Ripley wouldn't even believe this.

1 comment:

  1. yay! LOVE LOVE LOVE! The audacity of Harry astounds me. His political views are not what bother me strictly speaking, because this is America and everyone is entitled to an opinion, however wrong :) But his whole I'm Mormon vote for me then I've been elected so I'm not going to stick up for the principles which elected me makes me furious!!!
