I am getting sick to death of these ridiculous Haryy Reid attack ads, I mean they are ridiculous. Is anyone actually buying them. He is playing clips of comments Sharron Angle has made on several different issues, it is SO obvious that they chop it up without letting her finish. If you actually hear the rest of that speech you will see she has some fantastic ideas.
People's biggest concern right now seems to be her idea of getting rid of social security, well that's how it would seem based on Harry's commercial. In reality she want's to get rid of social security as it is now and fix it. The system is broken and let's be honest- how can that hypocrite Harry Reid attack her when he and his cronies have BANKRUPT social security!! Unless someone fixes it, it will all be gone. At least she has a plan to do something!
My current biggest beef at the moment happens to be members of the Mormon church who think that because he is LDS that automatically means he is good and they should vote for him knowing nothing but this about me. AHHH makes me want to rip my hair out. As a member of the church myself I think he is the devil. The man is a dishonest, dirty politician. He is a liar who will stop at NOTHING to be re-elected- including stepping on and trying to ruin members of his own church who oppose him! (Yes this is a fact and I know who he did it to!) This man is NOT to be trusted Nevada, DO NOT be fooled.
Just in case you haven't seen any of Sharron Angle's commercials or interviews I an going to start posting some of them (current one posted below), please send them on to your family and friends, she is the real deal and she needs our help. You can also visit her website at the link posted on the left.
Boy do I feel better now!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 4th!

I hope you all take the time this Independence day to reflect on our great nation, yes I said GREAT nation, and the things that made and still make it great. We need to remember those that gave up and sacrificed everything including their lives to create this nation. In the words of one of my favorite patriotic songs, "who more than self their country loved." Look at how our lives have been blessed and enriched because of sacrifices of those brave men and women.
God truly had a hand in the birth of this nation, that can't be denied, we defeated the most powerful military in the world at that time. We beat all odds, overcame the obstacles and hardships and grew into the strongest nation in the world. We are going down the wrong path no doubt. People have forgotten what made us so great, people don't know or care about the founding fathers, people don't know or care about God, and people take their freedom for granted on a daily basis.
I pray we never forget, that we start appreciating the things we have. We need to love our country, love our liberties, and our freedoms. This still is (despite opposite views from our President) the greatest nation on earth. One nation, under God! Happy Independence Day everyone!
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