Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm sorry we can't be friends anymore just because we disagree on politics.

I just have to get this off my chest then I'll feel better. I had this friend and I used to think we were pretty good friends. Her political views and 110% opposite of mine and her blog was usually filled with anti conservative rants. I never said much about them we pretty much just decided to agree to disagree. Might I mention that I was also very offended by several things she said. Anyhow... so recently I have obviously kicked my political activity into overdrive and what do you know, I went to look at her blog today and I was all of a sudden no longer an invited reader on her private blog. That's right, she no longer wants to associate with me I can only assume because of my political views. Shocking, not really, she really just makes my point for me. I am sorry we can't be friends anymore just because we disagree on politics.


  1. I am sorry about this friend. I think I have an idea of whom you speak. It is a tough thing when something like political opinions interfere with a friendship.

  2. That sucks and not to be insensitive, but do you really want to be friends with someone who acts that way? Seems kind of petty to me!
    BTW, I love that you are being vocal about something that you believe in. I have to agree with pretty much everything you are saying!

  3. That is ridiculous, but I know who you are talking about, and I'm not surprised :(

  4. C. is obviously not a real friend. Her loss Page, she has always seemed a bit "fair-weather friend-ish" to me. She will eventually see the error of her ways. Hopefully sooner rather than later. (before she screws up her kids too!)
