The conservative movement has been revived! It is time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!! It is so important to rid out government of the radical and extreme liberals that are screwing up our future and our children's future!
Sean Hannity's new book comes out March 30th, it is called Conservative Victory, Defeating Obama's Radical Agenda. He is releasing it straight to paperback to make it available to everyone! Amazon is selling it for about $8! It is the road map to victory!
America has started to see through this phony administration and all of his lies, America is fed up! The majority of America does not want his sham of healthcare, they're tired of him making up numbers of jobs he's saved or created, we are tired of the closed door deals, we don't want government running our lives and taking all our money, while living frivilously and running our debt up to historical highs! The man is phony and people are finally realizing it.
Now is the time to get involved. Sean is bringing us back to Reagan conservatism! We have got to free ourselves from this congress and senate (especially Dirty Harry in Nevada!) it's time to send a message to Washington and make a difference for the good of this country I love! Go to hannity.com for more details or go to amazon.com to pre-order.
"Barack Obama is endangering our nation's future. The time to stop him is now."- Sean Hannity
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