I've been quiet for way to long! As upset as I was Obama was elected, I agreed to have an open mind and give him a chance. That time has come and gone. America as we know it is disaapearing fast and our basic rights are being jeapordized. I thought he was suppossed to be the great uniter, the one who would bring both sides together- this country has never been more divided. I guess by uniting us that means attacking opposers until they agree with you. This used to be a country where we could agree to disagree but no more. The democratic party has actually run ads in some states comparing republicans nazis! This because we we dare show up at town hall meetings and voice our opposition? I guess it was okay to be a screaming lunatic calling George Bush a traitor and having bashing Bush rallys- it;s okay for them to be filled with hate but not okay for us to voice opposition. At another rally Obama (the great uniter) actually told his supporters to get out there and get and get in the faces of people who are oppossed to government run healthcare (no lie, I heard the clip), get in the faces of your neighbors, are you kidding me? Oh yeah and did you hear that those who oppose Obama are only doing it because they are racist- they have to make up lies for everything.
I also love how his Green Czar called the republicans a** holes- that was awesome. They are trying to silence talk radio and take away our rights to free speech. I don't care who you are this should scare you. This is one of our most basic and cherished rights. They are trying to pretend there is no media bias (biggest joke of all time!) so they have to do what they do best -shut down their opponents. While we're at it let's take away everyone's right to own guns as well.
What a scary world we live in where people are afraid to voice their opinions due to fear of being attacked- the left want's to silence all who oppose them, our ELECTED leaders are no longer looking out for the people and representing them- they are no longer our voice, they are only interested in pushing their own socialist agendas, taking away my rights, making me look like the bad guy, taking away my money and spending how they see fit (even on things I'm morally oppossed to), telling me what health care I deserve, telling me that because we work so hard we are evil and should give our hard earned money to those people who won't get off their butts and go earn their own. They are setting terrorists free, prosecuting those who interregated these evil people and kept us safe- are you kidding me- yes prsecuting CIA agents who kept us safe (also something Obama promised would never happen) but we see how well he keeps his word.
I am so angry but even more I am downright scared!! These are things I never thought could ever happen living in a FREE country. I think the founders of this country would be appalled of the condition today, countless people died to give us the rights they are trying to take away from us, I am patriotic to the core, my whole family is! I am tired of just sitting here doing nothing, I am going to become much more proactive, I will voice my opposition and I will voice it loudly, I encourage all to do the same. I think the problem with the right is that we are to quiet, to nice, to afraid to offend anyone. It's time for us to get loud!
God Bless America!
PS Most of my family was luck enough to attend Sean Hannity's Freedom Concert here in Vegas. It is a Patriotic experience unlike any other. All proceeds go to scolarships for children of fallen soldiers, what an amazing cause. Way to go Ash on scoring tickets- my sister Ashley has become quite the regular on the Sean Hannity show!
PPS Fellow Nevadans lets start with getting rid of dirty Harry Reid!!!!
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